I try to implement the best practices discussed in the article "Large
scale application development and MVP". My application is designed
using several widgets:
MainContainerWidget: a DockLayoutPanel
NorthWidget: a widget in the north region of the main container
CenterWidget: a widget in the center region of the main container.
This widget is a composite of two widget (TopWidget and BottomWidget)
SouthWidget: a widget in the south region of the main container.

1/ I created a Presenter for each widget. The CenterPresenter contains
a TopPresenter and a BottomPresenter that are instanciated in the
constructor of CenterPresenter.

    public CenterPresenter(HandlerManager eventBus, Display display) {
      this.eventBus = eventBus;
      this.display = display;
      topPresenter = new TopPresenter(eventBus, new TopWidget());
      bottomPresenter = new BottomPresenter(eventBus, new

    public void go(HasWidgets container) {

    private void bind() {

So basically when the CenterPresenter is created in the AppController
class, it would create all its child presenters and call the bind
methods. Does it seem a good approach or is there a better way?

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