I'm having problems with the plural forms in the Messages interface. I

public interface MyMessages
    extends Messages {

  @DefaultMessage("You got {0} things")
  @PluralText( { "none", "None at all",
    "one", "A single",
    "two", "A pair" })
  String howMany(@PluralCount int count);

but then when I try

 final MyMessages myme =

    Window.alert(myme.howMany(0) + "/"
        + myme.howMany(1) + "/"
        + myme.howMany(2));

the result is:

You got 0 things/A single/You got 2 things

Only the "one" case got the message right; the others used the default
case. Am I missing something? What are the correct plural forms, if
that's my error? Where can I find them?

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