Hi Jeff:

Thanks for posting in GWT group as well. I start to test part of our
application to Objectify and like its new @Embedded. I may have more
feedbacks to your team soon.

@Embedded is an excellent way to build JSON data transport and
JsonpRequestBuilder is already in GWT 2.0 - probably in official release
soon. It is very useful to show an example of objectify @Embedded with
GWT 2.x JsonPRequestBuilder  

Thanks for your effort.

Duong BaTien
DBGROUPS and BudhNet

On Fri, 2010-02-12 at 11:54 -0800, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
> A couple days ago the Objectify team released version 2.0 of
> Objectify-Appengine, a "mid-level" open-source data persistence tier
> for Google App Engine.  It's a comfortable level of abstraction
> somewhere between JDO's "too complicated" and the Low-Level API's "too
> simple", allowing you to easily put(), get(), delete(), and query()
> your own typed objects.
> Why am I posting about it here?
> One of Objectify's goals has been to make it easier to work with GWT.
> In Objectify v2, all of the datastore basic types (Key, Email, Link,
> GeoPt, Category, Rating, etc) are made available to your GWT code.
> So:
>  * You can pass your entity classes back and forth through GWT-RPC
> without DTOs, detaching, or any other "magic".
> Even if you choose to use JDO or other persistence APIs, you can still
> use the Objectify GWT module to GWT-enable the datastore types.
> Objectify is a ~100k jar with no dependencies.  Just add the jar to
> your project and this to your module:
>     <inherits name="com.googlecode.objectify.Objectify" />
> You can find more information about Objectify here:
> http://code.google.com/p/objectify-appengine/
> You can find specific information about using Objectify with GWT here:
> http://code.google.com/p/objectify-appengine/wiki/ObjectifyWithGWT
> Thanks,
> The Objectify-Appengine Team

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