I currently don't use MVP, but more like MVC where the View and
Controller are sometimes in the same class (when the views/controllers
are rather trivial), but regarding the example that Supercobra gave,
and to answer your question Yaakov:

Another way of sending model information is using interfaces. For
instance, if I knew that I would be displaying a speedometer for car
and a bike (and maybe something else as well), I would have done
something like:

new SpeedoMeterView(Vehicle vehicle)...

where Vehicle is an interface with methods that provide access to all
properties that the SpeedometerView needs.  I do this a lot to with my
views.  To me, this is a lot better in terms of maintainability,
readability and productivity, than just using primitives, especially
when you have complex models.

On Feb 16, 11:31 am, Yaakov Chaikin <yaakov.chai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Supercobra Thatbytes
> <dan...@metadot.com> wrote:
> >> My first take away was that their were a few rules:
> >> 1) Presenters don't know about specific GWT widgets (so that you can
> >> test your business logic without GWTTestCase)
> >> 2) Displays don't know about business logic
> >> 3) Displays don't know about application logic
> >> 4) Displays don't know about model classes
> >> I still consider the first 3 to be sacrosanct, but I have pretty much
> >> dropped rule #4.
> > Dropping rule #4 maybe saving time and make the code read more clearly
> > but it will still tie your display class to a model - which may be OK
> > - if you accept the constraints. For example if you have a speedometer
> > display and want to display your car speed
> >  new SpeedoMeterView(Car car)...
> > then you won't be able to display a motorbike speed:
> >  new SpeedoMeterView(Bike bike) ...
> > unless you modify your SpeedoMeterView which is why you should NOT use
> > a model but use primitive types instead:
> >  new Speedometer(float mph)
> This seems like a very valid point. Thanks for pointing that out. You
> can't reuse your view code for other (similar, but not the same)
> models. That's certainly an advantage.
> The question in my mind (which I still have to think about): Aren't
> most (if not all) views already very much tied to what the model
> represents? Sure, if you are writing a view that's very generic in
> nature and you want to reuse it in several places in your app, but
> practically speaking are there a lot of cases like that? I.e., in
> practice, are there a significant number of views that you end up
> reusing with several different models in your app? Not sure that a lot
> come to mind.
> In general, I don't think *any* design patterns are sacrosanct. I very
> often find that parts of those patterns need to be tweaked a bit to
> better fit into a particular situation while still maintaining the
> original idea (and most other components) of the pattern.
> I think it's very helpful to try to come up with reasons pro/against a
> certain component of a pattern (MVP in this case). In my particular
> case, I am trying to convince myself that pure MVP is better (or worse
> - whatever it comes out to be)...
> So, I think so far, it looks like not having your View depend in ANY
> way on the Model has the following advantages:
> 1) Can't (easily) reuse the view for other Models.
> 2) Poses a risk (if not careful yourself, have other less experienced
> developers on the team, tempting to cut corners, etc.) of introducing
> state into your View. (from Nathan's next posting).
> Advantages of passing the Model object directly to the view
> 1) Since View knows its own visual components very well, it's easier
> to unwrap the property values of Model and set those components to
> those values. All this without having to expose every visual field to
> the Presenter.
> Did I miss anything we've mentioned? Can anyone come with some others
> (pro or against)?
> Regards,
> Yaakov.

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