Oops, forgot to mention, don't protect the URL that corresponds to the
RPC login service!

Like this:
   <intercept-url pattern="/**/login.rpc" access="permitAll" />
   <intercept-url pattern="/**/*.rpc" access="isAuthenticated()" />

On Feb 19, 5:28 pm, Paul S <paulsschw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I got some ideas from 
> Kenthttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/1013032/programmatic-use-of-spring...
> who in turn got some ideas from Spring Security 3 Technical 
> Overviewhttp://static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/docs/3.0.x/refere...
> I now have a set up that resembles Scenario 4.
> In my current set up Spring Security is still configured to respond
> with a valid html form at /login.html (with my <!-- SECURITY-LOGIN-
> PAGE --> token hidden in it). So both page requests and XHR Ajax
> requests are subject to Spring Security's declarative set up. Whether
> I arrive at the host page and am not authenticated, or if I
> authenticate and then after my session has timed out I try to call an
> RPC service, I will be met with the /login.html contents as the
> response. Ok, so the only trick now is that in my GWT app if I get an
> InvocationException that equates to Spring Security trying to redirect
> me to the /login.html page then I simply show a nice looking GWT popup
> that looks like this:
>    Sorry, your session seems to have expired
>    Username: __________
>    Password: __________
>    Login
> And when the user clicks Login an RPC call to the server is shot off
> that looks a bit like this:
>    public interface LoginService extends RemoteService {
>       boolean login(String username, String password);
>    }
> Note that the boolean it returns isn't the real business here. The
> real business is that we now have an authenticated session on the
> server. The boolean returned just tells our GWT app to hide the popup
> (if true) or keep showing it and tell the user to try log in again (if
> false). That's all.
> On the server I then have a service implementation that performs the
> login very similarly to what Kent has done:
>         @Override
>         public boolean login(String username, String password) {
>                 log.debug("Authentication attempt: " + username + " " + 
> password);
>             try {
>                 Authentication request = new
> UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
>                                 username, password);
>                 Authentication result =
> authenticationManager.authenticate(request);
>                 SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(result);
>             } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
>                 log.info("Authentication failed: " + e.getMessage());
>                 return false;
>             }
>             log.info("Authentication success: " +
> SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
>                         .getAuthentication());
>             return true;
>         }
> ... where authenticationManager is injected by Spring. To show you
> exactly where I am getting authenticationManager from, here's my
> context configuration:
>         <authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
>                 <authentication-provider>
>                         <password-encoder hash="md5" />
>                         <jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="dataSource" />
>                 </authentication-provider>
>         </authentication-manager>
> I am still undecided whether it is right to have two logins,
> 1. The initial login (traditional web login that moves me from /
> home.html --> /login.html -->(login success)--> /admin.html)
> 2. A secondary login that happens over RPC that provides a quick,
> convenient login via an Ajax popup, such that it doesn't interrupt
> your workflow
> The second is exactly what I wanted all along! Is the first redundant?
> Or is it just as well to have it. i.e. 1. protects your web app code
> (well the host page), 2. protects the good bits (RPC calls!!!)

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