I am configuring mod_jk

For tomat, in server.xml :

socket.directBuffer="false" />

For apache, in httpd.conf :

<IfModule mod_jk.c>
        JkWorkersFile "/etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties"
        JkLogFile "/etc/httpd/logs/mod_jk.log"
        JkLogLevel warn
        JkMount /msn/* worker1

The result is that the url: http://localhost/msn/Messenger.html works,
but this html conects to servelet that not work.
The mod_jk runs html in apache that fisically are in tomcat, but cant
run the servlet.

¿Is necesary some special configure?


On 20 feb, 16:04, Fran <fra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, thanks.
> I will test mod_jk. I tested jk but i couldnt to run it in tomcat 6.
> Im going to test jk one more time.
> Thanks a lot!
> On 20 feb, 03:46, Chris Lercher <cl_for_mail...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > The timeout is for the max time the app server gets to respond. If it
> > closes the connection earlier (which it should do, once it sends its
> > response), then the delay is shorter. This is what long polling is all
> > about. So if you set the delay to 15 seconds, it doesn't mean you have
> > to wait for 15 seconds every time. That's only, when the server
> > doesn't send the response within 15 seconds.
> > But as dablack says, probably mod_jk is the better solution anyway.
> > However, like I said earlier, there may be additional proxies between
> > your server and the client. So if it doesn't work correctly with
> > mod_proxy, this could indicate, that there is some problem in the way
> > the app server and the client interact. I have the feeling, that the
> > server maybe doesn't close its connection, so the proxy won't (always)
> > flush its contents. This triggers a timeout on the proxy or on the
> > client (depending on which is shorter).
> > On Feb 20, 2:08 am, Fran <fra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > If I dont put a short timeout, the aplication isnt good.
> > > Do you imagine that the MSN Messenger delay 15 seconds to show you the
> > > contact list?
> > > I need that the solution works as the aplication in tomcat. If I
> > > execute the aplication on tomcat, it work without timeout. So I need
> > > when the aplication works in apache, seems that is working in tomcat.
> > > Im going to show the url that you tell me. Thanks!
> > > On 20 feb, 01:57, Chris Lercher <cl_for_mail...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > > > BTW, here's a link about timeouts + 
> > > > Comet:http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit-incubator/wiki/ServerPushFAQ

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