This has nothing to do with GWT.
Inputs of type file cannot be styled using normal CSS.
This has been an issue for years, and I don't know if it will ever
have a standard solution.
However, there are some obscure techniques, like this one:

On 3 mar, 09:09, Mathieu <> wrote:
> Hi
> I have to develop an application with GWT and UI Binder in Eclipse. I
> have to apply the Model View Presenter technic.
> I want to apply a special style to all the buttons of my application.
> Here comes the problem, I can't do that with the fileupload component.
> I tried different way to restyle the component (for instance just
> CSS), but there is nothing to do, I can't change its style.
> I also tried the method describe in several post that consists in
> hidding the fileupload component in the page, and redirect the events
> of other widget to our fileupload component. But this method doesn't
> work in firefox because the calls to javascript click method are
> blocked.
> So, if someone has a solution to cleanly resolv this problem ...
> thanks

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