If you want to see this yourself, go to http://filouguestbook.appspot.com/#!main
sign-in with a google account and click on the Settings link the the
top bar. Switch between the General and Accounts pages, the app will
reload. From the Accounts page, click on Settings in the top bar, this
will switch tab but not reload!

On Mar 18, 9:44 am, PhilBeaudoin <philippe.beaud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I get a strange problem with Internet Explorer 7: some of my Hyperlink
> causes the page to unexpectedly reload. The strange thing is that I
> have two hyperlinks to the same history token on the same page, one of
> them causes the page to reload and the other one does not. The only
> difference I can see between these is that the one that causes the
> reload is deeply nested in divs and the other is close to the top.
> Otherwise, the DOM nodes are almost identical.
> Is this a known issue with IE 7? (All other browsers do fine,
> including IE8.) Is there a workaround?

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