No resolution on out of memory issue.

I ended up hosting a development version on app engine and running my
selenium tests against that.

On Mar 19, 12:13 pm, Nathan Wells <> wrote:
> I get similar problems, but they are related to restarting the server,
> rather than refreshing the browser, and only while developing, not in
> a Selenium server.
> You might be able to resolve your issue by way of the -noserver
> option. I haven't yet looked for documentation about it, but it allows
> you to run any given server rather than the embedded Jetty server.
> On Mar 19, 8:16 am, Tristan <> wrote:
> > So nobody has a clue as to why DevMode would run out of memory after
> > 34 URL refreshes?
> > On Mar 16, 12:01 am, Tristan <> wrote:
> > > I started this in Google App Engine Java group, but as Ikai pointed
> > > out, it probably belongs here. Does anyone have any hints for this
> > > problem?
> > > Tristan
> > > -------
> > > Hi,
> > > I have Selenium RC hooked up and automated Selenium tests going using
> > > JUnit. The problem is that after Selenium runs about 34 out of the 43
> > > stories so far, my module complains that it is out of memory: [ERROR]
> > > Out of memory; to increase the amount of memory, use the -Xmx flag at
> > > startup (java -Xmx128M ...)
> > > Every time a Selenium test case is run, it opens a new Safari window
> > > and loads the page. I can see on the server (via eclipse) that it is
> > > rebinding my RPC services every time, which is normal as far as I can
> > > tell. And around 34 tests, during this rebinding, it gives me the
> > > above out of memory error.
> > > I already have the server memory set to -Xmx1024M... so that
> > > shouldn't
> > > be an issue.. is there a problem (ie memory leak) with DevMode? Or am
> > > I missing some parameter somewhere?
> > > Ikai L (Google)
> > > ----------
> > > Tristan,
> > > Is this a Google Web Toolkit question or a Google App Engine
> > > (OutOfMemoryError on Jetty) question? It sounds like a GWT question,
> > > in which case you should ask 
> > > here:
> > > Tristan
> > > ------------
> > > I think it's a Google App Engine (OutOfMemoryError on Jetty)
> > > question.
> > > After Selenium RC hits the Dev Mode url about 34 times, I get
> > > previously mentioned error [ERROR] Out of memory; to increase the
> > > amount of memory, use the -Xmx flag at startup (java -Xmx128M ...)
> > > This happens with -Xmx1024M setting.
> > > So is there a way to free up memory after connection is broken? When
> > > Selenium breaks the connection, DevMode quits with the following
> > > exception:
> > > 20:02:12.232 [ERROR] [myModule] Remote connection lost
> > >$RemoteDeathError: Remote
> > > connection lost
> > >     at
> > >
> > >  :
> > > 1683)
> > >     at
> > >
> > >
> > > 401)
> > >     at
> > >
> > >  :
> > > 222)
> > >     at
> > > Caused by: null
> > >     at
> > >     at
> > > $Message.readMessageType(
> > >     at
> > >
> > >  :
> > > 1659)
> > >     at
> > >
> > >
> > > 401)
> > >     at
> > >
> > >  :
> > > 222)
> > >     at
> > > So does this cause a memory leak? Then after 34 of these, it finally
> > > runs out of memory.
> > > Tristan
> > > -----------
> > > Sorry, forgot to thank you for responding quickly :) Thanks Ikai.
> > > Ikai L (Google)
> > > ------------
> > > I don't recognize that stack trace - I see
> > > GWT has a DevMode server, from what I remember. If it possible for
> > > you
> > > to compile the code to JavaScript, then run your Selenium tests? It
> > > really does look like a GWT issue, but the references to
> > > BrowserChannel somewhat unnerve me.
> > > Tristan
> > > -------------
> > > Thanks for taking a crack at it Ikai, I compiled the code but still
> > > ran out of memory around 34 Selenium touches. I'll post it in the GWT
> > > forum as you suggested.
> > > Cheers!

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