<g:tab> does not take have a ui:field attribute

I found this in TabLayoutPanel's javadoc:

The children of a TabLayoutPanel element are laid out in <g:tab>
elements. Each tab can have one widget child and one of two types of
header elements. A <g:header> element can hold html, or a
<g:customHeader> element can hold a widget. (Note that the tags of the
header elements are not capitalized. This is meant to signal that the
head is not a runtime object, and so cannot have a ui:field

However your suggestion led me to another solution

I changed

<g:TabLayoutPanel barUnit='EM' barHeight='3'>
    <g:tab >

    <g:tab >

to this

<g:TabLayoutPanel barUnit='EM' barHeight='3' ui:field="tabLayout">
    <g:tab >

    <g:tab >

Now the parent widget has reference to TabLayoutPanel and I can add
event handlers to it.

I don't like this very much because the parent module holds
tabLayoutPanel's reference and is responsible for adding event
handlers. I would like the individual tabs or the composites they hold
to receive events directly so that the event registration and handling
logic resides within the tab / composite.

Anyway, I have something working for now, I'll see what more can be
done. Thanks!

If anyone has suggestions about making this more modular please write


On Mar 20, 10:35 pm, Tristan <tristan.slomin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> don't know if this will work, but have you tried
> <g:tab ui:field='myTab1'>
> then in your java code
> @UiField
> UIObject myTab1
> @UiHandler("myTab1")
> public void onSpellCast(ClickEvent event){
>    ... do stuff
> }
> On Mar 20, 11:30 am, spacejunkie <priyank.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm using UIBinder to define tabbed layout. Each tab and its header is
> > also defined in the XML. The <g:tab> element holds a custom composite
> > for each tab.
> > I want to lazily populate the composite - held by a tab - with data
> > when the tab is selected. For this I want to add event handler for tab
> > change.
> > Since I do not have reference to TabPanelLayout how can I add event
> > handlers? Is there a work around?
> > Regards,
> > Priyank

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