On Mar 21, 8:00 pm, "A. Kong" <anthony.hw.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I am still encountering some problem with JsonpRequestBuilder. I hope
> anyone may point out what's why with my code.
> Basically I have a json server which emits the following data:
> ====
> [{'Article': {'title': 'Main test2010-03-17 19:21:54.865390'}},
> {'Article': {'title': 'Main test2010-03-17 19:25:19.773520'}}]
> ====
> On GWT front, I have
> ====
> public void onModuleLoad() {
>                 JsonpRequestBuilder requestBuilder = new 
> JsonpRequestBuilder();
>                 requestBuilder.setCallbackParam("callback");
>                 requestBuilder.requestObject(SERVER_URL, new
> MyTestRequestCallback());
>         }
>         class MyTestRequestCallback implements
> AsyncCallback<JsArray<Article>> {
>                 @Override
>                 public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
>                         Window.alert("Failed to send the message: " + 
> caught.getMessage() +
> " " + caught.getStackTrace()[0].toString());
>                 }
>                 @Override
>                 public void onSuccess(JsArray<Article> result) {
>                         Window.alert(result.get(0).getTitle());
>                 }
> ====
> And here is my definition of Article class
> ====
> public class Article extends JavaScriptObject {
>         protected Article() {};
>         public final native String getTitle() /*-{ return this.title; }-*/;
> }
> ====
> The problem is: the result of "result.get(0).getTitle()" is always
> null.
> Setting the break point in the onSuccess() does not help much. The
> content of the valuable is a 'ref n' where n is a number (in the debug
> perspective of eclipse)
> My questions are
> 1) What is the likely cause of the failure of capturing 'title'? Any
> obvious error in my code?

Your code does the JS equivalent to "the_array[0].title" while given
the data snippet you gave it should be the_array[0].Article.title.

> 2) I tried to debug in firebug, but failed to locate where the parsing
> of json occurs. When I compiled the project, I used "output style" =
> detailed. When I search for ".title" i could not find anything.
> Shouldn't the native code be captured in the generated gwt code
> intact?

There's no "JSON parsing" with "JSON-P" as it's just JavaScript, not
JSON at all. IMO, you should find ".title" but maybe it has been
rewritten as the_obj["title"], with the String "interned" in a
"global" variable. Search for ".alert" instead ;-)

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