I have an application which works fine on localhost in windows
environment. But when i deploy it on linux server at production, It
gives me error 404 ( Resource not found) .

My Service is :

public interface QuestionService extends RemoteService {
 String enterQuestion(QuestionUnit unit);

Corresponding web.xml entry is:

My gwt.xml file says:
<module rename-to='exammaster'>
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User'/>
 <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.standard.Standard'/>
 <entry-point class='com.evita.exam.client.ExamMaster'/>
 <servlet path='/exammaster/exam'

All works fine in windows at localhost. while on linux tomcat at
production it says

404, Resource not found ( /exammaster/exam).

Please help.

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