Also if you have to resort to using JSONP GWT 2.0 has a new
JsonpRequestBuilder that wraps up any JSONP request nicely:

This superceeds the article on GWT Site.

On Apr 5, 11:50 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 8:47 pm, powwow <> wrote:
> > OMG!  This one nearly killed our project.  When SOP was introduced in
> > development mode for GWT 2.0 our project screeched to a halt.  We have
> > a huge application with a GWT front end communicating with a Rails
> > server doing JSON requests.  We had GWT running onhttp://
> > and needed to connect to the rails server which ran onhttp://
> > The only difference was the port.  Our application HAD to run in IE
> > (no Firefox or Chome).   We had hundreds of JSON calls doing GET,
> > POST, PUT, DELETE all using RequestBuilder to communicate.
> > We tried ProxyServer scripts to forward urls to the Rails server, but
> > many were just too basic not being able to handle PUTs, DELETEs, form
> > uploads, headers and everything else.  Half the calls worked, and half
> > the calls failed.  We didn't have time to program the perfect
> > ProxyServer servlet.
> > We tried all the hacks including the Eclipse built in proxy server,
> > enabling cross domain communication in IE in the options, lowering
> > browser security levels, installing and uninstalling software, etc.,
> > all with no luck.
> > But we found something that did work for the time being.  Here is a
> > work around if you need to bypass SOP:  Use IE 8!  We used IE7 and it
> > didn't work, but IE8 works!
> How about just using the -noserver argument to not run the server (as
> you don't need it) and the -startUrl argument to pass the Rails app
> URL so GWT gives you it back with the ?gwt.codesrv=... appended
> appropriately.
> See

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