How do I to fire a Gwt event from JavaScript ?

2010/4/12 Elmaho <>

> Hey everyone,
> I want to integrate MooFlow external lib in my Gwt Application, so I
> begin by reading the essentials of JSNI and doing my things.
> So far it's OK, I create the Impl class to wrap the functions I need,
> I create also the JSObject and finally the widget itself  (called
> CoverFlow).
> Now all I need is to add the possibility to catch the onClickView
> Event in my widget (java widget).
> With the implementation below, I can't see the HEY message when I
> click on an image, it sounds like the line:
>  cfo.addEvent('onClickView', ...
> don't work in my Impl class !!!
> this is my Impl class
> public class CoverFlowImpl {
>        public native CoverFlowScriptObject create(Element container, int
> startIndex, boolean useSlider) /*-{
>                var options = {
>                        useSlider: useSlider,
>                        useAutoPlay: false,
>                        useCaption: false,
>                        useResize: false,
>                        useWindowResize: false,
>                        useMouseWheel: true,
>                        useKeyInput: true,
>                        startIndex: startIndex
>                };
>                var mf = new $wnd.MooFlow(container, options);
>                return mf;
>        }-*/;
>        public native void loadJSON(CoverFlowScriptObject cfo, String json)
> /
> *-{
>                cfo.loadJSONArray(json);
>        }-*/;
>        public native void addClickViewHandler(CoverFlowScriptObject cfo,
> HasSelectedItemChanged handler) /*-{
>                cfo.addEvent('onClickView',   function(obj){
>                        alert('HEY');   //just to indicate if the
> event is fired
>                        var event =
> @com.audaxis.gwt.ui.coverflow.client.SelectedItemChangedEvent::new()
> ();
> ::fireEvent(Lcom/
> google/gwt/event/shared/GwtEvent;)(event);
>                };
>        }-*/;
> }
> The Opaque  JS Object
> public final class CoverFlowScriptObject extends JavaScriptObject{
>        private final static CoverFlowImpl impl = new CoverFlowImpl();
>        protected CoverFlowScriptObject() {}
>        public static CoverFlowScriptObject createCoverFlow(Element
> container, int startIndex, boolean useSlider){
>                return impl.create(container, startIndex, useSlider);
>        }
>        public void laodJSON(String json){
>                impl.loadJSON(this, json);
>        }
>        public void addClickViewEvent(HasSelectedItemChanged handler){
>                impl.addClickViewHandler(this, handler);
>        }
> }
> My Widget
> public class CoverFlow extends Composite implements
> HasSelectedItemChanged{
>        private Panel simplePanel;
>        private CoverFlowScriptObject cvo;
>        private Collection<CoverFlowItem> items;
>        public CoverFlow() {
>                init(null);
>        }
>        protected void init(Panel parent){
>                simplePanel = parent != null ? parent : new SimplePanel();
>                cvo = getCoverFlowJSObject();
>                initWidget(simplePanel);
>        }
>        @Override
>        public HandlerRegistration
> addSelectedItemChanged(SelectedItemChangedHandler handler) {
>                cvo.addClickViewEvent(this);
>                return addHandler(handler,
> SelectedItemChangedEvent.getType());
>        }
> }
> And finally -----------HasSelectedItemChanged
> public interface HasSelectedItemChanged extends HasHandlers{
>        HandlerRegistration
> addSelectedItemChanged(SelectedItemChangedHandler
> handler);
> }
> Is my implementation correcte ?
> Is this the right implementation to fire events from JavaScript to
> Java ?
> Could anyone help me please !!
> Thanks in advance
> --
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