> Can you please direct me to any such tutorial and or blog regarding
> this.
> Or may be a list of things that I should take care while migrating to
> declarative UI with the  programatic UI from the earlier version of
> GWT2.0

Suppose  MyWidget class  is in package "com.old.ui"    uibinder
template for  WidgetContainer  can look like this

<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "http://dl.google.com/gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent";>
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder"
                        <div>bla bla </div

someOldWidgetProperty="haha" /></div>



Notice xml namespace declaration:

Important things to remember:
- MyWidget class must be accessible from WidgetContainer class so must
have  public or be in the same package and has default access.
- In this example MyWidget  has  setter:   " public void
setSomeOldWidgetProperty(String v)"
- MyWidget must have accessible noargs contructors or you have to
create factory method annotated with  @UIFactory  in WidgetContainer
or   add provided=true

MyWidget widgetContainerFieldNameForOldWidget ;

and create instance of MyWidget in WidgetContainer

All informations you can found  here:

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