Hi, thanks for the link, it looks good... i like try it but i have
problems configuring it with gwt, is there a manual for dummies using
eclipse or without eclipse?

best regards

On 15 Apr., 16:48, kozura <koz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> maybehttp://code.google.com/p/gwt-diagrams/
> On Apr 14, 12:26 pm, gafgaf <gaaf...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I'm student from Germany an looking for any good library that i can
> > use with Google Web Toolkit to create trees/graphs, where you can move
> > nodes and connect these nodes with edges...but not like PieChart,
> > MotionChart.. but like e.g.:http://raphaeljs.com/graffle.html.
> > So finally it has to do with JavaScript... i don't like make just a
> > desktop-application.
> > My problem is i'm beginner and i dont know which libraries would be
> > appropriate for my idea with the tree/graph... I'am looking a while
> > for some appropriate libraries in the internet, but so far i didn't
> > found something usefull that works with GWT (gwt-jsviz is already a
> > dead project as i see)...do you have any suggestion for me, how i can
> > realize my idea with GWT, maybe without any external librariy... i
> > would be very pleased and happy...
> > Thanks and best regards
> > Gafur

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