thanks, this sound like an idea.

On Apr 10, 8:07 am, Chad <> wrote:
> One option would be to add a selection handler to the TabPanel and
> when the tab changes remove the controls from the display and attach
> them to the new tabs content.
> On Apr 8, 11:49 pm, enjoylife <> wrote:
> > I have a TabLayoutPanel with 3 tabs, each tab contain a table.  I need
> > to place a control panel above and  below  tables.  All 3 tables will
> > share same control panel. (panel is for selecting all rows in a table)
> > I am having problem getting this to work.
> > Here is code for tablayoutpanel with one tab.  Anyone kow how I can
> > have same control appear in 3 different tabs under a table?
> >                 <g:TabLayoutPanel barUnit='EM' barHeight='3'
> > ui:field='tabPanel'>
> >                   <g:tab>
> >                     <g:header size='3'/>
> >                     <g:FlowPanel>
> >                       <g:ScrollPanel>
> >                         <g:FlexTable ui:field='table'
> > styleName='{style.table}'/>
> >                       </g:ScrollPanel>
> >                     </g:FlowPanel>
> >                   </g:tab>
> > control panel
> >           <g:FlowPanel>
> >             <g:Button ui:field='selectAll'/>
> >             <g:Button ui:field='selectNone'/>
> >           </g:FlowPanel>
> > Thanks

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