Hello GWT users,

i have a big problem. I have built up a model in my GWT project with
EMF and then let generate EMF the corresponding classes in the
*.shared subpackage. The shared subpackage therefore because I want to
use instances of my model in client and server side.

As I know GWT doesn't understand EMF. So, I put the
"org.eclipse.emf.ecore_2.5.0.v200906151043.jar" file in the "war/WEB-
INF/lib" folder to resolve the EMF classes in GWT. To see if it's
working I built up an instance of the model in the onModuleLoad
method, created a label and added to the RootPanel. But now, when I
run the project I get the following compiler errors:

Line 21: No source code is available for type
de.philipp.gwt.emf.shared.model.ModelFactory; did you forget to
inherit a required module?
Line 22: No source code is available for type
de.philipp.gwt.emf.shared.model.ApplicationModel; did you forget to
inherit a required module?
Line 24: No source code is available for type
de.philipp.gwt.emf.shared.model.Contact; did you forget to inherit a
required module?
Line 31: No source code is available for type
de.philipp.gwt.emf.shared.model.Address; did you forget to inherit a
required module?
Line 40: No source code is available for type
de.philipp.gwt.emf.shared.model.Job; did you forget to inherit a
required module?
Line 44: No source code is available for type
de.philipp.gwt.emf.shared.model.Status; did you forget to inherit a
required module?
Line 50: No source code is available for type
de.philipp.gwt.emf.shared.model.ApplicationItem; did you forget to
inherit a required module?

By the way, the above mentioned classes are the classes of my EMF
model. So, what i don't understand is, how it can be?
In the Module file I added "<source path='shared.*'/>" and in the lib
folder I added the jar file. Actually the errors shouldn't appear, but
why it still happens?

Sorry, for the bad English!

I hope that someone can help me please.

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