Yes, you could set and get session attributes to store any data, as
long as the you wish to share the data within the same session.
But what if, the data need to be shared across session? What if your
application needs to be robust so that in case the session died due to
power outage and the user needs to pick the session up back where it
abruptly terminated?

So you might prefer to store your data in a database with fields
[session id, object name, object value]. If your object is complex,
then you would need to use JDO or JPA to model it for presentation to
the database.

On May 17, 8:25 am, Saurabh <> wrote:

> Could you expand a little on what you mean by "persistence repository" where
> the actual data would reside? Would this be along the lines of storing the
> data in the session object?

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