
Thanks for your answer. I suddenly feel very stupid... :-)))
I was so confused by the terminlogy "run in development mode" that I
forget that debugging is performed obviously in the debug mode....

Have a nice day

On 4 juin, 21:01, kozura <koz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe try Debug As instead of Run As, also make sure the ?
> gwt.codesvr=... parameter is in your browser's url
> On Jun 4, 12:45 pm, yves <yves.ko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Everybody,
> > In GWT 2 Dev Mode, I can't make thebreakpointswork in eclipse :
> > client app doesn't stop on any breakpoint.
> > My config is: GWT 2.0.3, Eclipse 3.4.2 + GWT Plugin 1.3.2, JDK
> > 1.6.0_20. Firefox 3.6.3 (+ FF GWT Plugin)
> > As I suspected something wrong in the structure of my project in
> > eclipse, I tried with the GWT sample Hello.
> > Thus, after running "ant eclipse.generate" on Hello,  I imported Hello
> > into Eclipse.
> > Here is an extract of the client code:
> >   public void onModuleLoad() {
> >     Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickHandler() {
> >       public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
> >         Window.alert("Hello, AJAX");
> >       }
> >     });
> > I put 2breakpointson lines "Button b = ..." and "Window.alert..."
> > I tried 2 ways to run the dev mode.
> > First way: select the file Hello.launch and then Run (Ctrl+F11). This
> > opens the "GWT Development Mode" shell.
> > Second way: In Properties window check the option "Use Google Web
> > Toolkit", then select menu Run As Web Application. This opens the
> > "Development Mode" eclipse tab.
> > During both trials I could play with the application running into the
> > browser, and thebreakpointsdidn't worked in eclipse.
> > Does anybody could help me find what is wrong ?
> > Thanks
> > Yves

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