spierce7 schrieb:

> 1. Get today's date.

Date today = new Date();

> 2. Using the current date, get the date of the first day of the week
> (Sunday), and I think I might need to know how to get the end date
> also.

So you're not going to create an i8n-aware application?
Sunday isn't the first day of the week everwhere (e.g.
it's monday in Germany). Here is an (untested) solution:

DateTimeConstants constants = 
int firstDay = Integer.parseInt(constants.firstDayOfTheWeek()) - 1;
int offset = firstDay - date.getDay();
date.setDate(date.getDate() + offset);

> 3. How to Add and subtract a number of days to a date.

date.setDate(date.getDate() + days);

> 4. I need to know how to parse all the above questions information
> into a string.

By "parse" do you mean format?

Use the various ways DateTimeFormat offers.

> Off the top of my head, that's what I'm trying to do. 1 More question:
> 5. Would it improve performance while handling a start date and an end
> date for an event, instead of keeping an end date, calculating the
> duration that the event would last, rather than calculating the date?
> Would it even be worth it? (A friend recommended this)

If the event happens during a change in daylight saving times,
you will end up with wrong times.

> 6. Are we seeing any updates coming for working with dates? I'm
> currently using GWT 2.03.

I'm not a developer, so I can't say anything about that, but
if you're sugessting a (maybe restricted) implementation of
Calender, here is a +1 by me, because above methods in Date
are all deprecated since JDK 1.1, so I really hate to use them,
even in a GWT client-class where that doesn't matter much.

Regards, Lothar

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