Sry it was an incomplete post . Here is my full post .

I am new to Injection . What I wanted to do was a simple Interface Injection
in my GWT IMpl . Can anyone tell me how do a Field Injection or a
construction based Injection .Assume Everything in this snippet works fine

public Interface Payment(
public void pay();

public class PaymentImpl implements Payment {

public void pay() {
System.out.println("I'll pay with a credit card");



//My Guice Module
public class TestGuiceModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {


//My Actual GWT Servlet

 public class MyServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
MyService {

 private Payment payment;
public MyServiceImpl (Payment payment)
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new TestGuiceModule());
payment= injector.getInstance(Payment.class);
               this.payment = payment

             // This works in terms of i get the instance of the object ,
but I am sure this is not the right apprach . Can anyone suggest whats the
correct method of doing


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