You might have to take up that issue with bramosystems, whoever that
is, cuz I don't have that package and even if the source was visible
we wouldn't be able to change it even if we could find the
problem...unless it's open source.

On Jun 15, 8:11 pm, Bruno Lopes <>
> Hi,
> I am using 
> com.bramosystems.oss.player.flat.client.FlatVideoPlayer<eclipse-javadoc:%E2 
> %98%82=Padroes/war%5C/WEB-INF%5C/lib%5C/bst-player-api-1.0.jar%3Ccom.bramos 
> ystems.oss.player.flat.client(FlatVideoPlayer.class%E2%98%83FlatVideoPlayer >
> .FlatVideoPlayer
> to play videos but it seems not working on firefox and safari on MAC OS
> any idea ?

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