I have a RPC style GWT app that has some server side code which
contains references to a few different web services which it act as
clients to. What I noticed the other day is that when one of my web
services is offline it causes a javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException when
the server side code is invoked. Msg: Failed to access the WSDL at:
http:mywsdl?WSDL Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection
timed out: connect.

So having one web service offline brings down my entire app :(

I think the line that causes this is the following annotation/

@WebServiceRef(wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/myWsdl.wsdl")
private MyWSDLService myService;

Is this to be exected? How can I gracefully handle services being
offline? I can't rely on these 3rd party services to always be online
and available.

Advice is appreciated. Thanks

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