I've been giving a closer look at GWT 2.1.0 M1 and Expense application
lately, as the best way to be educated after Google I/O 2010 sessions.
In your opinion, how long a real-world application shall be coupled
with Spring Roo infrastructure/annotations?

It's obvious that the default views generated by Spring Roo will be
replaced by custom views developed with specific application logic.
Even if you're a CSS wizard, at some point in time you would need a
custom behaviour. I can see the following approaches:

1) Remove all references to Roo. The Expenses application has, in
fact, removed the AspectJ extensions, all Roo annotations and just
reused the skeleton of Entity+Record+Places+Activities as basis for
custom views. If you have to add a new field or a new entity after
abandoning roo, you're own your own.

2) Like 1), but keep the original Roo project somewhere in parallel.
If you have to modify something, you can still use Roo to generate new
classes and fields scaffolding, and then manually copy/paste/adjust in
the real-world application. Not so integrated, but it may work if your
views and logic change more often than the model does.

3) You keep roo as part of the development cycle. You place your
custom views in separate package, and add your own modules that use
your own widgets instead of the scaffolding ones. In this way, roo can
always rebuild the entire scaffolding without interfering with your
code. You still have to manually adjust your custom views to handle
new/removed/modified fields and entities. Very nice integration, but
you need to know exactly what Roo is going to ovewrite when things

4) I have a little knowledge of Roo, so there might be extension
points that I'm not aware of. In that case there might be other ways
to add your own views.

I'm tempted to think approach 2) is the classical good-enough
compromise, but I'm interested in other people's opinion.

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