
You added a catch block. What is the caught exception? Can you add a
uncaught exception handler using GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler in
the constructor of your EntryPoint? Do you catch an exception? Do you
have a small project with this error?


On Jun 13, 6:48 pm, Xandel <xandelf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Hopefully you guys can help me. I have built a GWT application which
> runs perfectly in Firefox and Chrome.
> When attempting to load it up in Internet Explorer 8 I get the error
> from one of my generated cache.html files:
> Line: 408
> Char: 12
> Error: Exception thrown and not caught.
> Code: 0
> When I locate that line in the generated file (this was all done with
> the -PRETTY argument for easy reading) I find it's on this line where
> the finally is at:
> function entry0(jsFunction, thisObj, arguments_0){
>   var initialEntry;
>   initialEntry = entryDepth++ == 0;
>   try {
>     return jsFunction.apply(thisObj, arguments_0);
>   }
>   finally {
>     initialEntry && $flushFinallyCommands(($clinit_16() , INSTANCE));
>     --entryDepth;
>   }
> }
> The problem is that this is not code generated from my client side
> java - it seems to be GWT's own generated code.
> As a test I added an empty catch block - that now stops Internet
> Explorer from complaining but still doesn't load my application up at
> all. All that loads is the surrounding html and images and a blank
> space where my app should be.
> Has anyone experienced this before? Any ideas on how to tackle this?
> Any information will be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks in advance,
> Xandel

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