Working with the MVP pattern, or more like the VP pattern at this
point, I have:

... so imagine that WidgetA and WidgetB will be attached to

Using Gin I have an EventBus injected into the MainPagePresenter. I
can then add click handlers that place an event on the EventBus from
within my MainPagePresenter. This might look like:

getMainPageView().getSendButton().addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
  public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
    eventBus.fireEvent(new SendEvent());

But now let's say that WidgetA and WidgetB actually have quite a few
user interactions, you'll end up with a lot of methods that look like
the one above sitting in your Presenter class.
1. Is this correct?
2. should the Presenter hand the reference to the EventBus through to
its View, who may even hand it through to the Widgets so that they can
talk directly to the EventBus?

If the second option is the better option from an architecture/
separation of concerns point of view, then what is the best way to
hand the reference over to the View in such a way that keeps the
coupling between Presenter and View as loose as possible?

Note, currently my Presenter defines a View interface which my View
implements, so the coupling is loose but based upon this interface.

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