
I made another screenshot with red borders around the images:

As you can see there is vedrtical space below each image.

I just found out that this is not the case in IE.


On 28 Jun., 11:51, andreas <horst.andrea...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Where exactly are the vertical spaces? From what I see, there are no
> spaces between the cells of the top and bottom row and the spaces
> between the cells in the left and right column are of the same color
> as the image background, so I assume there are actually also no
> spaces, correct me on this one?
> For better debug you could also assign a border and background color
> to the Grid. If none of these colors will be visible you can be sure
> that there are no spaces or anything left.
> For the inner cells I can not say if there are any spaces.
> Also I assume your style "pnl-r" adds the red border to the Grid? If
> there were any spaces left caused by the border width you would see a
> red Grid.
> I think you got what you wanted...
> BTW: I think you do not need to set the cell dimensions manually; Grid
> will automatically adjust cell dimensions so that the cell widgets
> fit, in other words a columns width for example will be adjusted so
> that the cell widget with the biggest width is completely visible;
> same goes for rows and heights and so on
> BTW2: the two for-blocks in init() can be realized in one single for-
> block since they iterate over exactly the same interval (0-9)
> On 28 Jun., 11:27, Magnus <alpineblas...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Here is the screenshot:
> >http://yfrog.com/j7chessboardj
> > Magnus- Zitierten Text ausblenden -
> - Zitierten Text anzeigen -

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