Thanks Phil, though what would this look like in this case?

The design of the GwtEvent and TYPE being static is actually very
powerful in its elegant simplicity. A call to the constructor of
GwtEvent.Type() actually causes an int to be incremented and this
becomes the hashCode "ID" of this event type, and hence assigning that
to final static variable (TYPE) give a sort of mapping architecture
where GwtEvent implementations are mapped to int IDs and that's how
the event bus knows which event has been fired.

So I'm interested to know what you mean by passing in the TYPE from
elsewhere, because you'd have to be careful not to construct two
GwtEvent.Type()s to represent a given event type. I'm sure you know
this, but for the benefit of others who may try to fiddle with the
mechanism and then wonder why their events aren't caught.

On Jun 28, 10:10 am, PhilBeaudoin <> wrote:
> Another simple trick I use when I need multiple events that have the
> same payload and handler methods, is to not declare the TYPE as a
> static member of the event. Instead I declare it elsewhere (anywhere
> really) and pass it to the event's constructor. Really simple, but can
> dramatically cut down on boilerplate.
> On Jun 27, 9:05 am, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> > A few comments
> > On 27 juin, 13:53, Paul Schwarz <> wrote:
> > > When using the EventBus, for each event type in your system you will
> > > create a Class (a GwtEvent) and an Interface (the corresponding
> > > EventHandler).
> > > It is a bit of a nuisance maintaining two java files for each event.
> > Not necessarily 2 files. As you show below, it's becoming common usage
> > to declare the handler as an inner/nested interface of the event
> > class.
> > > So I propose to simplify it by having one abstract event class and
> > > then ONLY ONE class for each event, instead of two. Note that your
> > > actual usage of your new style event class stays the same, so there is
> > > no refactoring required there.
> > That's not totally accurate, see below.
> > > ___________________________________________
> > > 1.
> > > In your package create this file:
> > > import;
> > > import;
> > > public abstract class AbstractEvent
> > >         <E extends GwtEvent<H>, H extends 
> > > AbstractEvent.AbstractHandler<E>>
> > > extends GwtEvent<H> {
> > >         public static interface AbstractHandler<E> extends EventHandler {
> > >                 void handleEvent(E event);
> > >         }
> > The problem with such a generic interface is that you can't implement
> > 2 of them on the same class. For instance, in my presenters I
> > generally create an inner Handlers class implementing all event
> > handler interfaces I need:
> > class MyPresenter {
> >     private class Handlers implements
> > PlaceChangeRequestedEvent.Handler, PlaceChangeEvent.Handler,
> >         EmployeeRecordChanged.Handler {
> >        public void onPlaceChange(PlaceChangeEvent event) { ... }
> >        public void onPlaceChangeRequested(PlaceChangedRequestedEvent
> > event) { ... }
> >        public void onEmployeeChanged(EmployeeRecordChanged event)
> > { ... }
> >    }
> >   �...@inject
> >    public MyPresenter(HandlerManager eventBus) {
> >       Handlers handlers = new Handlers();
> >       eventBus.addHandler(PlaceChangeRequestedEvent.TYPE, handlers);
> >       eventBus.addHandler(PlaceChangeEvent.TYPE, handlers);
> >       eventBus.addHandler(EmployeeRecordChanged.TYPE, handlers);
> >    }
> > }
> > Using a generic handleEvent method makes this impossible. Well, not
> > impossible, but cumbersome, as you have to do some if/else with
> > instanceof in your handler:
> >    public void handleEvent(AbstractEvent event) {
> >       if (event instanceof CalendarChangeRequestEvent) {
> >          CalendarChangeRequestEvent ccre =
> > (CalendarChangeRequestEvent) event;
> >          ...
> >       } else if (event instanceof EmployeeRecordChange) {
> >          EmployeeRecordChange erc = (EmployeeRecordChange) event;
> >          ...
> >       }
> >    }
> > I'm not saying this is a show blocker, but it can then imply some
> > refactoring, which is not what you "promised" above ;-)
> > I'm not saying this is a show blocker, but I nonetheless suspect it
> > could be an issue, otherwise GwtEvent would have gone this way from
> > the beginning, or the RecordChangedEvent recently introduced.
> > I know some people complained about not being able to implement two
> > ValueChangeHandler on the same class (in this case you'd check the
> > event's source to "disambiguate" the events).
> > Personally I'm using a single inner class implementing all handlers
> > instead of many anonymous handler classes, because I know a class has
> > a cost in the output JavaScript cost. I can't tell "how many" it costs
> > and whether the cost is negligible, and I know it costs less in each
> > GWT release due to compiler optimizations (-XdisableClassMetadata, GWT
> > 2.1 introduces some clinit pruning AFAICT), but still, it doesn't make
> > my code less readable (not particularly more readable either) and
> > implies only one class initialization and instantiation instead of, in
> > the above example code, three.
> > See for 
> > instance:
> > All in all, I don't think it's really worth it, you're only saving 6
> > lines of code (3 for the handler declaration, and 3 for the
> > dispatchEvent implementation) with no substantial gain as a result.
> > >         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
> > >         @Override
> > >         protected void dispatch(H handler) {
> > >                 handler.handleEvent((E) this);
> > >         }
> > > }
> > > ___________________________________________
> > > 2.
> > > This is what an actual event class will look like. I think you'll
> > > agree that this is much simpler than before. Notice we've even got rid
> > > of getter methods for the attributes and replaced them with public
> > > final fields instead; this is because we're never changing the event
> > > data, so it CAN be declared public final, AND that reduces the bulk of
> > > the class too:
> > Again, you're only saving a few lines of code (which an IDE would
> > generate and maintain for you) without substantial gain (getters would
> > be inlined anyway by the GWT compiler), but breaking the common Java
> > coding practice (or more broadly OOP pattern) of encapsulation.
> > I'd add, for newcomers, that the fact that you declared fields "final"
> > has nothing to do with your AbstractEvent.

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