On 2 juil, 17:51, kawanka <kawa...@nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:
> When I create a new GWT project using Eclipse 3.5 the GWT 2.1.0 M1 and
> the accompanying plugin, I see that my project's libraries has GWT SDK
> -2.1.0M1 in the project's build path. which is what you would
> expect... The thing is though... I see gwt-bikeshed.jar, gwt-user.jar
> and gwt-dev.jar... what is gwt-bikeshed.jar doing there and how do I
> delete it from this library setting?. It's causing errors to show up
> in my console when I debug... thanks in advance..

2.1.M1 had a little bug in module inheritance causing those error
messages. gwt-bikeshed was there so you could test the new Cell
widgets, RequestFactory, etc. The workaround is to <inherit/> the
ValueStore module.

But 2.1M2 is now out, and the bug is fixed. Also, all of these new
features have been moved from gwt-bikeshed to gwt-user, but really
that's more a matter of packaging than anything else.

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