On 7 juil, 11:12, Jeff <jeffery.caldw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've spent a bit of time over last five days reviewing the
> RequestFactory and I have to say it rocks.  I started with the
> STS-2.3.3-M1 roo generated projects and just kept digging into what
> was driving them.  I found a few waves and have been reading through
> the code reviews and commits, but perhaps you could answer a few
> questions to help my research?
> How much is different between what's in the bikeshed project in
> gwt-2.1.0-M1 and the M2 classes (small, medium, large)?  I do see a
> few interfaces have been removed (ServerOperation and ServerType) - I
> just haven't had time to do a deep comparison.

The major change is r8309

> I would suppose it is
> safe to just use M2 for playing with this new API?
> The best overview I've found was on this wave:
> https://wave.google.com/wave/?pli=1#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%2B...

There are still some show-blockers (for us) in M2, mainly the fact
that each server-side object must have a static findXxx() and instance
persist() and remove() methods.

> Of course I'm eager to see this all come together.

So am I!

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