The easiest way by far is to use RestyGWT

With it, you just create GWT RPC style service interfaces to access
restful JSON resources.

For example, lets say you want to post some JSON to a URL of "/blog/

  "comment":"This is my comment."

and you expect to get some JSON back that looks like:


The you would create some DTO style classes to give you type safe
access to  the request and response like:

class CommentRequest {
  public String author;
  public String website;
  public String comment;

class CommentResponse {
  public String commentId;
  public boolean moderated;

Notice that it can even deal with odd property names like "comment-id"
which would be very hard to access with js overlays.

Then you then create GWT RPC style service interfaces to access your

public interface CommentService extends RestService {
    @POST @Path("/blog/comments")
    public void comment(CommentRequest request,
MethodCallback<CommentResponse> callback);

You then create an instance use the service interface the same way
GWT RPC does it:

CommentService service = GWT.create(CommentService.class);

CommentRequest req = new CommentRequest = "Hiram" = "";
req.comment = "This is my comment."

service.comment(req, new MethodCallback<CommentResponse>() {
    public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) {
        Window.alert("Error x: " + exception);

    public void onSuccess(Method method, CommentResponse response) {
        Window.alert("posted comment: "+response.commentId);

Hope that helped.

On Jul 5, 8:01 am, Ahmed Shoeib <> wrote:
> Dear Friends ,
> i face a problem when trying to send and receive json object between
> client and server in GWT application
> so i want a simple example that show me how to do this
> Thanks,
> ahmed shoeib

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