Look at this simplified example.  If you run this, you should see a
table with no column or data "D".

public class HiddenColumnTest implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {
        FlexTable table = new FlexTable();
        HTMLTable.CellFormatter cellFormatter =
        String alphas = "ABCDEFG";
        for (int col=0; col < alphas.length(); col++)
                table.setText(0, col, "Column "+alphas.charAt(col));
        table.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(0, "columnHeader");
        cellFormatter.setStyleName(0, 3, "hidden-Column"); // No D
        for (int row=1; row <= 6; row++) {
                for (int col=0; col < alphas.length(); col++)
                        table.setText(row, col, "Data 
                cellFormatter.setStyleName(row, 3, "hidden-Column"); // No D

In the CSS:

.columnHeader {
        font-weight: bold;

.hidden-Column {
        display: none;

On Jul 8, 11:38 am, Magnus <alpineblas...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hm, this doesn't work for me.
> All the cells are shifted in their horizontal positions...
> With your method the table does not behave as if the column width were
> 0px.
> I wonder how to deal with this stuff...
> Magnus
> On Jul 7, 7:47 pm, Thad <thad.humphr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I do this in a number of places in my application.  Use your style
> > sheet:
> > DoubleClickTable rootTable = new DoubleClickTable();  // my class that
> > extends FlexTable
> > HTMLTable.CellFormatter cellFormatter = rootTable.getCellFormatter();
> > ...
> > rootTable.setText(row, ROWID_COL, record.getAttribute("rowid"));
> > // Set other fields.
> > rootTable.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(row, "unselectedRow");  //
> > style the row
> > cellFormatter.setStyleName(row, ROWID_COL, "hidden-Column");  // hide
> > the cell
> > In the CSS,
> > .hidden-Column {
> >         display: none;
> > }
> > On Jul 7, 12:54 pm, Magnus <alpineblas...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I would like to use a FlexTable as a list of users and I need to
> > > attach a user id to each row somehow, in order to identify the user
> > > when a row is selected.
> > > I tried to use a column of width "0px", but this column is visible...
> > > How would you do that?
> > > Thanks
> > > Magnus

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