On 13 juil, 11:10, Manuel Carrasco Moñino <man...@apache.org> wrote:
> I've not checked the code produced by the Gwt compiler, but I think it
> could introduce a bit of overhead or may be none (if the
> implementation code was 100% optimal).
> Anyway the use of String should guarantee that the final code is
> faster or equal.

That's wrong. StringBuilder will use either string concatenation (in
which case you'll suffer a very small, and negligible, penalty at
runtime) or array-append-then-join, depending on which method was
benchmarked the fastest in each browser.
The GWT has experimented with many options before settling on these
two: using a.push() or a[arrayLength++] to append to an array, using
join() or String.prototype.concat.apply() to join the array items into
a string, etc. you'll find them all in the subversion repository:
Note that string concatenation is done using the += operator, which is
more performant than s = s + something in some browsers (AFAIK).

So really, GWT is optimized here, and you shouldn't fear from using
StringBuilder (or StringBuffer) if you think they're necessary (of
course, when concatenating 3 strings, it might not be worth it;
StringBuilder is mostly useful with loops and/or building large
strings, and this is true in both Java and GWT)

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