
ClientBundle with CssResource supports conditional styles.
See docu


Stefan Bachert

On 16 Jul., 15:52, sythiar <s...@emeraldlake.net> wrote:
> I'm a complete beginner to GWT and am in fact only the designer for
> the site that a programmer is creating. Out of the two of us I have
> charged myself to find a solution for this problem. I'm really not
> sure if this has been posted yet, so pardon me if this may be
> repeating a question asked in a previous post.
> The problem:
> I would like to know if there is any way to implement alternative
> style sheets for IE7 as well as IE6 to iron out CSS bugs for these
> browsers. I have previously tried to implement the conditional HTML in
> the head of the index.html file of our site (aka. <!--[if IE 7]> <link
> href="ie7styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <![endif]-->).
> However, even though I put this style at the end of the head sector
> after all the other scripts, it seems that the css still isn't active
> or is being overwritten as it does not show up in IE7.
> Actions so far:
> - I have checked the path for the style sheet and it is right.
> - To check if the conditional HTML works I have put it into the body
> area of index.html and filled it with some random text. It works as
> the text is only displayed in IE7.
> Other solutions?
> - Do I have to edit the modules .xml file that is included into the
> index.html through a .js file?
> - Or do I have to edit that js file itself?
> I really hope that someone is able to help me with this. Somehow I
> feel that the solution to this should be fairly easy, but I still
> can't find it.
> Meanwhile I'll look at some more forum posts for some answers...

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