Thanks Rob,
The problem was because I wasn't encoding the URL, Now when I think
about it, it is kind of strange because the logs show that  a request
was sent but the only problem was with the $_POST, You would expect
not being able to send the request if you don't encode the url and not
send a request with no parameters.

What was interesting too, the fact that getStatusCode() returned 0. I
checked the group and it seems that it has something to do with SOP
(correct me please if I am wrong). Would having the GWT application in
the same folder as the PHP project solve this issue?
Please, are there any other work arounds to the SOP issue?

Thanks again

On Jul 19, 5:09 pm, RPB <> wrote:
> Apologies if this is a double-post, the thread didn't seem to update
> the first time.
> I don't see anything in particular that is wrong with your code, but
> the following works for me if you want to give it a try:
> public void postPHPRequest(String url, String postData){
>                 url = URL.encode(url);
>                 RequestBuilder builder = new 
> RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,
> url);
>             try {
>               builder.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-
> urlencoded");
>               @SuppressWarnings("unused")
>              Requestreq = builder.sendRequest(postData, new
> RequestCallback() {
>                 public void onError(Requestrequest, Throwable exception) {
>                         fireErrorEvent("Failed to send therequest: " +
> exception.getMessage());
>                 }
>                 public void onResponseReceived(Requestrequest, Response
> response) {
>                   String output = response.getText();
>                 }
>               });
>             } catch (RequestException e) {
>                 fireErrorEvent("Failed to send therequest: " + 
> e.getMessage());
>             }
>         }
> You can look at 'output' which should display any echos you have in
> your PHP. Hopefully this will help you debug out what is happening.
> If this doesn't work check that you are not violating the SOP (same
> origin policy). There are other threads on this forum with more info
> on this.
> Good luck,
> Rob
> On Jul 18, 1:44 pm, malrawi <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am really new to GWT, I tried searching the net for hours to get an
> > answer to my problem with no luck. Here is what I am doing:
> > I am creating a simple EntryPoint which shows some text fields, when
> > the user clicks on a button I want to send aPOSTrequestto a php
> > page. The PHP page "says" that myrequestparameters are not set.
> > Right before I send therequestI display therequestdata and they
> > look right. As the code shows, I am setting the content type, I am
> > appending the parameters properly, I don't know what is wrong.
> > I didn't want to use FormPanel because it seemed like I wouldn't be
> > able to send arequestasynchronously (correct me if I am wrong, my
> > conclusion was based on Javadoc's examples also some examples on the
> > net)
> > Here is the code:
> > RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, url);
> > builder.setHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-
> > urlencoded");
> > StringBuffer requestData = new StringBuffer();
> > // parameters is a HashMap
> > if (parameters != null ){
> >         requestData.append("?");
> >         Set<String> keys = parameters.keySet();
> >         for (String key : keys ){
> >                 requestData.append(URL.encode(key));
> >                 requestData.append("=");
> >                 requestData.append(URL.encode(parameters.get(key)));
> >                 requestData.append("&");
> >         }
> > }
> > try {
> >         Window.alert(requestData.toString());
> >         builder.sendRequest(requestData.toString(), handler);} catch ( 
> > Exception e){
> >         Window.alert(e.getMessage());
> > }
> > Please help.

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