Hi Thomas

Thanks for your reply, I have started to look into the ActivityManager
and Place patterns, but have not found lots of documentation. Is there
any examples?
Is gwt-p going to be standard for 2.1 or will google release there own


On 14 Juli, 17:07, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8 juil, 10:39, xworker <blomqvist.andr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi
> > Very new to GWT and MVP. Trying to expand the contacts example with a
> > DockLayoutPanel with a tree navigation in the west section. Using MVP
> > and ui:bindings.
> > Got an DockLayoutPanelView and Presenter. Inside is a tree component
> > to the west and a content component in center. How will I get the
> > events from the tree component?
> The generally adopted way of doing things in GWT is to have custom
> events go through the event bus. In this case, you're talking about
> "navigation", so maybe the concept of "place" would be better than
> "just" some custom event. I encourage you to look at gwt-platform, gwt-
> presenter and other MVP frameworks for GWT, and/or look at the
> Activity concept from the upcoming GWT 2.1.
> Using actvities, you'd have an ActivityManager managing your "center".
> The tree would use the PlaceController.goTo to navigate to a new
> "place". An ActivityMapper (that you passed to the ActivityManager in
> the constructor) would map the place to an Activity (a presenter), and
> the ActivityManager will manage the current Activity for the display
> it manages, i.e.it will stop() the current activity if its ok
> (willStop returns true) and then only start the new Activity, which
> will call the Display back to show its view.
> The tree would probably also listen to PlaceChangeEvent on the event
> bus to update the selected item depending on the current place (in
> case some other component calls the PlaceController.goTo)
> > My DockViewPresenter:
> > public class DockPresenter implements Presenter {
> >         public interface Display {
> >                 Widget asWidget();
> >         }
> >         private final ContactsServiceAsync rpcService;
> >         private final HandlerManager eventBus;
> >         private final Display display;
> >         private ContactsPresenter contactsPresenter;
> >         private TreePresenter treePresenter;
> >         public DockPresenter(ContactsServiceAsync rpcService,
> >                         HandlerManager eventBus, Display view) {
> >                 this.rpcService = rpcService;
> >                 this.eventBus = eventBus;
> >                 this.display = view;
> >                 contactsPresenter = new ContactsPresenter(rpcService, 
> > eventBus,
> >                                 new ContactsView());
> >                 treePresenter = new TreePresenter(rpcService, eventBus, new
> > MyTree());
> >         }
> >         public void bind() {
> >                 contactsPresenter.bind();
> >                 treePresenter.bind();
> >         }
> >         public void go(final HasWidgets container) {
> >                 bind();
> >                 container.clear();
> >                 container.add(display.asWidget());
> >         }
> > }
> > As you can see I am creating the two presenters for the content and
> > the tree, but I dont know how to get the events (clicks, selections)
> > from them. They seem to be swallowed be the dock.  I'm guessing I
> > should register handlers in the bind() method, but how? When
> > navigating to the tree component without the dock, events works fine.
> > TreePresenter:
> > public class TreePresenter implements Presenter {
> >   public interface Display {
> >         HasSelectionHandlers<TreeItem>  getTree();
> >     Widget asWidget();
> >   }
> >   private final ContactsServiceAsync rpcService;
> >   private final HandlerManager eventBus;
> >   private final Display display;
> >   public TreePresenter(ContactsServiceAsync rpcService, HandlerManager
> > eventBus, Display view) {
> >     this.rpcService = rpcService;
> >     this.eventBus = eventBus;
> >     this.display = view;
> >   }
> >   public void bind() {
> >           display.getTree().addSelectionHandler(new
> > SelectionHandler<TreeItem>() {
> >           public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem> event) {
> >               TreeItem item = (TreeItem) event.getSelectedItem();
> >               GWT.log("Node selected "+item.getText());
> >           }
> >       });
> >   }
> > Thanks- Dölj citerad text -
> - Visa citerad text -

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