On 20 juil, 22:57, Nathan Wells <nwwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What is the purpose of registering event handlers? I originally
> thought it was to avoid memory leaks, but that doesn't seem to be
> true, given that the whole point of the handler API was to avoid
> accidental memory leaks, making so that developers didn't have to
> worry about it. Is it just to allow the code that is registering the
> handler to later de-register it?

Originally, removeHandler wasn't public, so HandlerRegistration was
the only way to remove a previously added handler.
People have asked that removeHandler be made public (and not
@Deprecated), and they apparently had compelling-enough arguments.
HandlerRegistration can still be used in cases where you need event-
and handler-agnostic (and even target-agnostic) ways of unregistering
events. I think gwt-presenter (or some other "MVP framework") uses
this to automatically unregister all added handlers without the need
to code anything.

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