I am doing like the Google IO Linkers video:

public class OfflineLinker extends AbstractLinker {

        public String getDescription() {
                return "HTML 5 Offline Linker";

        public ArtifactSet link(TreeLogger logger, LinkerContext context,
                        ArtifactSet artifacts) throws UnableToCompleteException 
                ArtifactSet artifactSet = new ArtifactSet(artifacts);
                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
                buf.append("CACHE MANIFEST\nindex.html\n");

                EmittedArtifact artifact = emitString(logger, buf.toString(),
"gt.manifest"); //my manifest file name
                return artifactSet;

I also needed this servlet (mapped to /gt.manifest) :

public class ManifestServlet extends HttpServlet{
        protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse
                        throws ServletException, IOException {
                RequestDispatcher disp = req.getRequestDispatcher("/gt/
                disp.forward(req, resp);

It seems to be working, but debugging is not easy.

On Jul 27, 6:37 am, Shawn Brown <big.coffee.lo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Julio,
> > Thanks Arthur, the linker works perfectly.
> Did you use the  com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.AbstractLinker  and
> just override the link method?
> If so, are we just outputting the file names to make a suitable
> manifest in the link method.  Will this compile the project and make
> the manifest at the same time or is it a two step process.
> May I please see your linker code!?!  Is there a manifest linker
> available someplace?
> > I am using google plugin for eclipse and gae-java
> Me too and if I have any info I'll share but right now am a step or
> two behind you.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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