You can mix both approachs (client-centric and server-centric).

If you have huge calculations there is no sense to do that in the client
(the client will always be slow to perform calculations then your server). I
saw a video on youtube past year that some guys make the first calculation
on the client, if it take to long, the next calculation is done in the
server and they just set the HTML returned from the server.

I think GWT approach is better because you have clear definition of what is
in the client and what is the server and if someone make something wrong you
know where to look.

People new to web programming have a lot of problems with this client/server
separation (I need to teach how HTTP works to a co-worker so her could
understand what is going on with GWT).

Another plus, is that if you don't use GWT-RPC to make your server calls,
your entire client application is server-agnostict so you can use any
backend without recompiling your app. I am writing a JSON-RPC library for
this purpose because I need to integrate .NET server with GWT client.

André Moraes
Analista de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

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