write a Composite with static or dynamic built elements inside, they
just use it as it was a widget

On 11 Aug., 03:07, "A/C A/C" <acro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to write some html directly. Add this html to an
> existing gwt widget as a child and then wrap the html elements so they
> become gwt objects?
> That is:
> I want to write something like
> String myHtml="
> <div id='outerDiv'><h1>Hello text field</h1><input type='text'
> id='myTextField'></div>";
> I then want to create a widget with this html, so I do a
> new HTML(myString) and add this html widget to my panel. So far so
> good, but then I want to wrap myTextField so it become a gwt object,
> but if I do a
> TextBox.wrap(DOM.getElementById("myTextField");
> I get an
> java.lang.AssertionError: A widget that has an existing parent widget
> may not be added to the detach list     at
> com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel.detachOnWindowClose(RootPanel.java:
> 136)
> If i understand this correct, I can't wrap an html element if the html
> element it is in html that have a parent which is a gwt widget.
> So is there anyway to do what I have tried to describe above? I don't
> have to make the html at runtime, so I thought about placing the html
> in a display: none block in the page which contain my gwt root panel,
> and then use DOM methods to move it to where I wan't it at runtime,
> but this still give me the exception above when I try to wrap the html
> elements .
> Martin

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