
On Aug 11, 11:00 pm, lineman78 <linema...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As far as SmartGWT goes, I will warn you that I think the problems and
> performance hits you will run into are not worth the UI that you
> gain.  
Thanks for the heads up. A hello world with data bound widgets seemed

> Plus you must consider the licensing, which is required in
> order to use their data binding.
Looks like we can use this 
under LGPL, and no Smart* server-side component.

> I commonly use REST and GWT in perfect harmony and it is very easy.
> Assuming you have the ability to output JSON instead of XML you can
> just use overlay types and get very efficient parsing.
We have control over server APIs, and we have both JSON and XML. Would
it be possible to share some sample code?

>. I personally
> don't know what TileGrid is,
See http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/showcase/#tiling_filter_sort
d'n'd to sort. One should be able to change image captions, and have
the customized data source trigger appropriate PUT requests to update
the server items. I'd love to see this functionality from GWT.

> out of the box GWT isn't intended to
> be a widget library, but there are plenty of them out there.  Google
> is trying to add a lot more widget support which is evident by the
> data presentation widgets, but their original intent was to create a
> flexible and efficient cross compiler, not make a pretty UI library.
Point taken.

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