Hi again,

I solved the problem, and now it works, as intended :)
If somebody has any questions, how this works, just
eMail me.


On 16 Aug., 15:37, AlexG <alexander.gauss.ax...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> first thanks for your fast reply.
> I think this should work. Perhaps I should just
> give more background information.
> The App is build using the MVP Pattern. I have one
> "main"-Page, with 3 Panels (3 div-elements in the .html)
> Two of the three panels will never change during runtime. These
> contains the menu control-widgets. If i select something,
> then the "content"-Panel should load the requestet UI (Module).
> This means, it should load just a new MVP-View via a new MVP
> presenter.
> The views and presenters are seperated in extra Projects in Eclipse,
> just
> to make it easy to maintain the App.
> So I definitely don´t want anything in one Project, or any widget in
> one onModuleLoad(). I also don´t want lots of if´s to decide, which
> view should be shown, because the app must be highly maintainable,
> reusable
> and extensable.
> By-the-way, the way I do it, works, if I code it with many if´s. But I
> think
> this is a "dirty" solution, and not what I want.
> Thanks, for your suggestions anyway. Maybe you got asnother idea??
> Thanks.
> Greets Alex
> On 16 Aug., 14:49, André Moraes <andr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This aproach will not work, since after compiled GWT generates pure
> > JavaScript.
> > You could do the following:
> > 1- Create an JSP page (index.jsp) and use this page as your GWT hosted page.
> > 2- When rendering the page, check the name of the module (not the name of
> > the class) that you want to load.
> > 3- Create one Module.gwt.xml file for each of the user interface that you
> > want to load.
> > 4- When renderinhg the script tag that loads your selection script, change
> > the name of your selection script based on the information that you
> > retreived from the datastore.
> > This options generate lots of files in your GAE application, because each UI
> > will be compiled independ of another, but its fast.
> > Another option will be:
> > 1- Write your GWT application with all the UI and only one entry point
> > class.
> > 2- Create an jsp and define a cookie with the name (not the classname, GWT
> > doesn't have reflection) of the UI that you want to load.
> > 3- Inside your onModuleLoad function, write a series of if's that will check
> > this cookie and load the UI that you want.
> > 4- Use the GWT.async (code-splitting) to load the UI that you want, this
> > will cost another round-trip but will download much less code. If you don't
> > do that, the browser will download all the code for all the UI.
> > Hope it helps.
> > --
> > André Moraes
> > Analista de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
> > andr...@gmail.comhttp://andredevchannel.blogspot.com/

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