Well, the trouble is not exactly with request builder. The thing is
like this.

I have a class BinFileReader that in the constructor receives an url
an read it address file contents. And the class haves some methods,
like readString(), readInt, readByte, etc.

But, obviusly, first at all, to execute those methods, i need to have
the file readed using RequestBuilder, so when i execute this for

BinFileReader fileReader = new BinFileReader("/mytext.txt");
String result = fileReader.readString(0, 10); // 0 = from, 10 = to

Could happen, and it happens, that the file is not allready readed,
and i don't have file contents, so readString method is not usefull.

My question, is, how could i build my BinFileReader so i dont have
this issue? Do i have to check if the file is readed, if don't put a
timer and try again, and over and over again till the file was readed?

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