For me...


<inherits name=""/> perfectly.

Test your project before you pack them in jar. debug->junit->compile-
The very first thing that comes to mind: Jar not empty?

On Aug 18, 11:44 pm, Sleeveen <> wrote:
> I've dropped the JAR in war/WEB-INF/lib since it will (eventually) be
> used on the server side of things.
> I've removed the hyphens from the name of the module (everywhere):
> still no luck.
> I've removed the rename-to attribute: still no luck.
> I am indeed using Eclipse. The JAR is configured as a library on my
> Java build path.
> I appreciate the comments though!
> Keep 'em coming!
> Thanks
> On Aug 18, 12:58 pm, lineman78 <> wrote:
> > From what I can tell there is nothing wrong with the structure of your
> > project or the packaging.  Generics have been supported since GWT
> > 1.5.
> > First of all, you dont want it to be in war/WEB-INF/lib.  This is for
> > server-side Java libraries, but this won't hurt anything.
> > Second, I would try taking the hyphen out of the module name as that
> > may be causing issues.
> > Thirdly, you might think about removing the rename-to from the library
> > gwt.xml.
> > I would also double check your classpath to ensure that the jar is in
> > it.  How are you compiling? Eclipse?

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