So I solved this problem by emailing using the datastore's mail api
instead of javamail. By doing so, you can access the blob as a array
of bytes and send that array as an attachment.

On Aug 20, 10:38 am, GKotta <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am getting a file access denied when I try to send an image in the
> datastore as an attachment in an email. Is there any way around this?
> I was thinking that there should be some way to use the datastore api
> to read the file
> but I don't know how to do that.
> This is the part of my code where I attach the image
> (result.get(i).getAssociatedImage is the url where it is stored
> on the database. In this case, the url is http:\\image?
> title=t609i1) :
>  // second part (the image)
>                         messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
>                         DataSource fds = new FileDataSource
>                           (result.get(i).getAssociatedImage());
>                         messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new
> DataHandler(fds));
>                         messageBodyPart.setHeader("Content-
> ID","<image>");
>                         // add it
>                         multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart);
> The line "DataSource fds = new FileDataSource
>                           (result.get(i).getAssociatedImage());" is
> the problem
> This is the exception that I get:
> Service method
> 'public abstract boolean com.***.emailAssociatedImages()' threw an
> unexpected exception: access
> denied ( http:\\image?title=t609i1
> read)
> Thanks!

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