Hi, where are in the middle of designing a big app with a lot off
difficult forms.
On these forms there will be a lot of questions and based on the
results more questions. Also lot of field validation.
The current app is a standalone app and the domain model is a big tree
with the Observable patterns (property change)
 If a user is changing a field a lot of other data will than be
trigger to change also.

Now we want to port is to a web based application, and because with
GWT we can write the same model and produce client side
the same domain as in the old stand alone app. But.....in Ray Ryan's
talk about architecting GWT apps for production he said:

"When you are in a web app, we've encouraged you to make your model,
you're so-called model a very simple object.
We don't really think that JavaBeans with property change events and
that kind of thing work terribly well.
We encourage you instead to use more of a DTO for your model portion.
The odds are that the object that embodies the things that the
users are thinking about is a dumb little bag of properties."

Can somebody explain to me why it is not done? Why only DTO's at the
client side?
The business model lives on the server only than? How can i know and
where do i specify what the next step or question or validation is
when the user change a value is a form?

It would be great to get some help on this design issue.



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