Hi all,
I've been using GWT for only a couple months and just have a cursory
knowledge of AJAX, so I apologize if this question feels like a newbie
question, it is.

My group is gearing up to provide a set of dashboards for our
executive management and we have been asked to provide the dashboards
as portlets in Websphere Portal.  All of the dashboards have the same
look and feel and same basic functionality, so I consolidated that
into a library that I can import into new projects, including the RPC
code to retrieve the data.  Everything works great when only one
portlet is shown on a portal page, but falls apart when I have two
portlets using the same set of classes. The short description is that
the first portlet rendered on the page renders and pulls back data
from the server over RPC, but the second portlet does not.  As far as
I can tell, it never throws any error and the logs look like the
servlet never receives the call.

Here's the breakdown.  Although I use the same library to make the RPC
call, I have each war deployed to a separate context, and a GWT module
with different names.  This means the call to GWT.getModuleBaseURL()
for each portlet returns a different result.
I have a suspicion that GWT doesn't expect to have two modules using
the same classes to make RPC to two different URLs and is using the
same JavaScript class and callbacks for both.  However, I'm unsure how
to test this theory and what kind of workaround is possible.

Can someone suggest things to try or give a deeper description of what
might be happening?


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