Hey all,

I'm creating my own version of a TabPanel that works in standards mode
and doesn't require one of the layout panels so that the content area
can take up just the amount of space needed for the content inside.

I have a panel container (which is a div), tab bar (a ul or ol), and
tab content container (another div).

My question is, would it be better to have all of those be widgets
(i.e. the containers would be HTMLPanels and the tab bar would then
need a custom HTMLList widget that I would write) or Elements (the
containers would be DivElements and the tab bar would be a
UListElement), or would there be a way to mix the two (HTMLPanels with
UListElement just for the tab bar)?

I'm assuming that having all of them be widgets would make sinking
events and selection handling easier, but I thought I would ask those
of you with more experience! Thanks!

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