I don't jnow if this is what you are searching but


is in the jre emulation


On 19 sep, 10:53, Blagoja Chavkoski <baze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> As Stefano wrote...ur loop will never end..:) and no other cycle can be
> executed.
> This is a concurrency topic and threading, try to create in java(or any
> other language)
> a thread with while(true) do something, and try to confine some other
> thread(some other work) to be done on this thread...
> ul see that this can never be done:)
> As a example:
> Make a java gui with a one button...and inside the EDT(swing thread) make a
> endless loop...ull se that ul never be able to catch a
> event fired from the button...(this is because the EDT thread will never go
> to idle and never get a new task(in case of java a new runnable or calable)
> out from the EDT- que.
> This is the famous Producer-Consumer pattern.
> so basically here is done the same(a program written in a programming
> language dose it for u, and its called browser, so the browser engine is the
> one responsible for this...and thats why I dont like web programming:)
> i dont have the overview of what is happening, and usually strange things
> happens:) )
> regards
> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 2:00 PM, Stefano Ciccarelli <
> stef...@indacosoftware.it> wrote:
> > There is no preemption. The events are polled when the thread is idle
> > and in your example the thread is not idle because is stuck in your
> > endless and freezing cycle.
> > On Sunday, September 19, 2010, Johannes Lehmann
> > <johannes.lehma...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > I appreciate that with JavaScript interpreters executing in one thread
> > > there will never be any *true* concurrency. However it seems perfectly
> > > possible for concurrency issues to arise with the way that
> > > asynchronous callbacks are used  A simple example is if I am
> > > continuously checking the value of a variable x, and then incrementing
> > > it:
> > > while(!stop) {
> > >   int i = x;
> > >   x = i+1;
> > > }
> > > Once the event occurs, the handler prints the variable and sets a flag
> > > that causes the incrementing to stop:
> > > print(x);
> > > stop = true;
> > > The intended behavior might be that the final value of the counter is
> > > printed. However if the event handler is invoked right after the
> > > assignment 'int i = x', the value will be incremented one more time
> > > after it is printed, which is a concurrency bug.
> > > In such cases the synchronized keyword could have been used to define
> > > pieces of code which must not be interrupted by other pieces of code
> > > in such way. In plain Java the synchronized keyword provides an easy
> > > way of dealing with such issues. The problem I described in my first
> > > post is very similar to this in nature and I am lost as to what to do.
> > > I hope this makes what I mean a bit clearer. Of course I am not
> > > excluding the possibility that I just misunderstood somthing about how
> > > the GWT/JavaScript eventing mechanism works.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Johannes
> > > On Sep 17, 5:40 pm, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> On Sep 17, 4:13 pm, Johannes Lehmann
> > >> <johannes.lehma...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > >> > OK, that is basically what I assumed. This however seems to create
> > >> > concurrency issues, which the synchronized keyword was designed to
> > >> > address. Without any language support such as semaphores or mutexes
> > >> > and without any guarantees regarding preemption, how could I solve a
> > >> > problem such as the above?
> > >> Excuse my ignorance about semaphores/mutexes/preemption details, but
> > >> how can there be concurrency issues if things never execute
> > >> concurrently? (and *your* code will never execute concurrently with
> > >> *your* code)
> > >> If you really want the gory details:
> >http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapi...
> > > --
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> > *Stefano Ciccarelli*
> > stef...@indacosoftware.it
> > *Indaco srl*
> > via Sabin, 22 - 40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) - Italy
> > tel. +39.051.827762 - fax +39.051.6874570
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